American Hanoverian and Rhineland
Inspection Tour Stillwater Oklahoma
October 15, 2019
Top facility, safe stalls, horse friendly Valley View Equestrian Center, contact
Inspection sign up by Sept 30 through American Hanoverian Society Office 859-255-4141 for event for facility
Mare and foal presentations only sign up in advance above
Stall with a solid door and inital bedding will be provided $75/2 day, $50 day only, $25 late fee if after Oct 4 5pm. No stall fee $25 per day
Sign up for photographer and braider by Sept 15. see contact below
Performance testing will be held in 2020
Publicity and contact information
Negative coggins required to unload. Jack Horse Farrier contact in advance: 405-274-4846
Photographer Allie Green 360 827 2827 contact directly for fee
Braider Melissa Mould Runners tbd
Hotel Fairfield Inn 405-372-6300, Holiday Inn 405-372-2445, Best Western 405-372-2878
Extra shavings $10 each, arrange in advance. Include in fee. No dogs allowed.
Small fee for lunch, schedule will be published on this site

Robin Hessel 5417 York Road Stillwater Ok. Best is to google: Valley View Equestrian Center Stillwater OK
From Stillwater, go east on highway 51 to Fairgrounds road, then south to 56th street, (blacktop) then west 1.1 mile to Valley View Stables. 405-747-7121 Green barns, white roof. Off 56th street 1/10 of a mile past some houses on York Road. Look for the sign Valley View Stables
Or From Perkins go N on 177 to 56th then east 1.9miles to Valley View Stables entrance sign.
Drive is off 56th street, a paved road, not Brush Creek which is a dirt road.
Directions and mailing address for stable reservations
Enroll through American Hanoverian Society. Top International Bloodlines!
Fall date to be determined. MPT may will be included. Many mares and foals are for sale. Start time is 9am.
For Stabling contact Robin at Stalls with solid doors, wash stall, plenty parking, all weather indoor facility. Move in for inspection and practice is available at noon the day before inspecton. Contact Robin in advance 405-747-7121
Branding is available from AHS. Bring your own runner and Photographer.
No outside dogs are allowed on property.
Buyers are encouraged to attend. Contact sellers directly at the inspection.
Presenting your mare:
Application tips:
Pre inspection day information:

This lovely AHS Gelding was bred by one of the presenters at this inspection. At only 10 years old he is succesfully schooling GP and winning National titles.
Breeders: This is a great place to show your foals for inspection. Safe and friendly.
Riders: It is the perfect place to buy your next fancy Dressage or Jumping horse at excellent foal and young horse prices. Buyers will be in direct contact with Sellers. Check it out!